Attention TAP and PRE-ETs consumers,
June is packed with opportunities to engage with other youth!
TAP June 2024 Calendar:
Meet for Ryan K’s Permit Group every Thursday from 5-6 (RSVP with Rknipe@centerlw.org or Nbalutis@centerlw.org)
Movie Day! CLW will be showing Wonka for the TAP program consumers at CLW from 5:30-7:00 on June 5th! (RSVP with Rknipe@centerlw.org or Nbalutis@centerlw.org)
Youth Peer Group for TAP June 2024 Calendar! TAP_PeerGroup On Wednesday, June 26th from 11:00-1:00, CLW will offer an in-person peer group! If successful, CLW will continue running this group monthly! This is in person and a great opportunity to stay busy, talk with staff, meet other youth, network, and hang out! (RSVP with Rknipe@centerlw.org or Nbalutis@centerlw.org)
Join us for Job exploration month!
June 6th– Join Jeff as you take a job type survey and discuss and identify jobs that you would like to pursue.
June 13th– Join Malek and Jeff to learn what kinds of jobs need what kind of certifications.
June 20th– Join Malek and Jeff to learn about the various types of skills are needed for specific job types.
June 27th – Join Malek and Jeff to fill out job applications! Bring your own or ask how you can obtain one for an employer you are interested in!
To RSVP for any Pre-ETS community workshops please RSVP with Malek or Noelle. Msabr@centerlw.org or nbalutis@centerlw.org
If you are not a TAP or Pre-ETS consumer and would like to be, please reach out to nbaluitis@centerlw.org to find out how to become one!